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General Art Room Information

Is there homework in Art?

Once you have brought in your signed Art Expectations forms (see Forms and Docs), it is rare to have daily Art homework. Most of the work we do needs to be done in class, so it is extremely important to use class time well in order to get your best work done well, and on time. Sometimes you will be asked to bring in materials for an assignment, or do some planning at home, and following through with those things is important so you can use the next day's class time effectively.  Because it is often hard to take home work that is in progress, you can always talk to me about spending some extra time in the Art room at lunch or before/after school. You are always welcome to take home your sketchbook, but be sure you have it in class the next day!

Art Room Routines:

We start most classes with 10 minutes of sketch time.  Everyone has a sketchbook that is a place to organize ideas, brainstorm, plan, take notes, try new things, practice and refine ideas, and make plans for large work.  Usually sketches are in pencil but sometimes we'll use different media, add photos, collage, and generally experiment!  After sketchtime, new topics and procedures are introduced, goals are set, and studio time begins.  Block days (Wed. and Thurs.) are especially nice because we have 1.5 hours to really focus on good work.  You'll be amazed at how time flies when you are engaging the right side of your brain!


Different Art Classes at Casey:

There are many different Art classes available each year at Casey  Typically there is a choice of 3 different classes each semester.  The counseling office and each year's registration material will let you know of the current offerings.  Click on each course title below to see a description and curriculum overview (complete curriculum can be found under "Documents and Course Info."). Remember, not all are offered every semester, but they will be offered sometime while you're at Casey!

Art 1

Drawing and Painting


3-D Design


Exploratory Art

Art Room Expectations, Grading, and Discipline Information

Please click here to read general classroom information.  Every student recieves this at the start of the semester!

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